Total Farm Production Expenditure Rose by 7% During 2021

August 1, 2022

Farm production expenditures in the United States are estimated at $392.9 billion for 2021, up from $366.2 billion in 2020. The 2021 total farm production expenditures are up 7.3 percent compared with 2020 total farm production expenditures. For the 17-line items, fifteen showed an increase from previous year, while two showed a decrease.

The four largest expenditures at the United States level total $189.4 billion and account for 48.3 percent of total expenditures in 2021. These include feed, 16.6 percent, farm services, 11.5 percent, livestock, poultry, and related expenses, 10.8 percent, and labor, 9.4 percent.

In 2021, the United States total farm expenditure average per farm is $196,087, up 7.7 percent from $182,130 in 2020. On average, United States farm operations spent $32,540 on feed, $21,161 on livestock, poultry, and related expenses, $22,458 on farm services, and $18,366 on labor. For 2020, United States farms spent an average of $28,250 on feed, $22,232 on farm services, $19,695 on livestock, poultry, and related expenses, and $18,253 on labor.

Total fuel expense is $12.9 billion. Diesel, the largest sub-component, is $8.4 billion, accounting for 65.3 percent. Diesel expenditures are up 18.6 percent from the previous year. Gasoline is $2.4 billion, up 22.7 percent. LP gas is $1.4 billion, up 11.6 percent. Other fuel is $610 million, down 16.4 percent.

Source: USDA