High number of lost and stolen cattle in western Colorado
December 13, 2024 –In western Colorado, an unusually large number of cattle have turned up missing this fall and five producers have reported lost or stolen cattle to brand inspectors. According to Colorado Brand Commissioner Todd Inglee, once found carcasses were accounted for, 21 cows and 166 head of calves were reported missing to inspectors.
“All together there’s five producers and four of the producers are really close in proximity, and the fifth is relatively close,” Inglee said. “It’s enough to make you sit up a little bit and take notice.”
Inglee said he encourages producers to notify brand inspectors of missing or stolen cattle so notification can be made through the brand office.
“That notification goes to law enforcement all across Colorado and surrounding states and sale barns,” Inglee said. “The sooner we can notify, the better chance we have of locating the cattle. If the cattle turn up, as oftentimes happens, it allows us to quickly return them to their rightful owner.”
Cattle reported missing or stolen recently include:
In Montezuma County, 6 head of mixed black calves, aged 7 months. Five have blue ear tags, one yellow. Last seen with cows on 800-acre pasture 10 miles south of Norwood. Cows were at the pasture, calves were missing between Oct. 10 and 18.
In Kit Carson County, 3 head of mixed cattle- two steers and one heifer. One black, one red, one yellow aged 9 months weighing 500 to 600 pounds. Red Angus heifer is branded with a heart P on left hip.
In Montrose County, 46 mixed color steers and heifers, aged 6 to 9 months, last seen in September or October 25 to 30 miles southwest of Montrose on Divide Road. Branded on left hip.
In Montrose County, 38 head of mixed steers and heifers, aged 6 to 9 months, last seen in September or October 25 to 30 miles southwest of Montrose on Divide Road. Branded U above Y slant on left rib.
In Montrose County, 31 head of mixed black steers and heifers, aged 6 to 9 months, last seen in September or October 25 to 30 miles southwest of Montrose on Divide Road. Branded -H_ on left rib.
In Montrose County, 18 head of black and black white face cows and 25 mostly black mixed calves. Last seen in September 25 miles west/southwest of Montrose. Branded IXN on shoulder, rib, or hip, KA-I on left rib or hip. Earmarks on both ears.
In San Miguel County, 26 mixed calves weighing 600-650 pounds and three running age black cows. Last seen in Sanborn Park 30 miles southwest of Montrose in mid-October. IS brand with underlined S on left hip.
If you have information about these cattle, call 303-869-9160 or contact local law enforcement.
Source: The Fence Post Magazine and Western Ag Network