Op-Ed: Enrollment for 2020 Safety-Net Programs Fast Approaching – June 30 Deadline
By Mike Foster, State Executive Director in Montana, USDA Farm Service Agency
April 23, 2020
Challenges and uncertainties are synonymous with farming and ranching. To say these are challenging, uncertain times is an understatement. But, as is their inherent nature, farmers and ranchers will certainly adapt and persevere, and we at USDA are here to help them.
Our USDA Service Centers are open for business, and program delivery staff are continuing to come into the office but are working with producers only by phone – call to schedule an appointment – and using online tools whenever possible.
Farm Service Agency (FSA) staff here in Montana stand ready to help you obtain credit for spring farm operating needs, service loans or sign up for programs, including the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs for 2020.
Producers simply need to enroll in the ARC or PLC program – their 2019 crop year program election applies to 2020 – by the June 30 deadline. If you fail to enroll, you will be ineligible to receive a payment for the 2020 crop year should one trigger.
Give us a call today. We will send the ARC/PLC contract for signature via mail or email, depending on your preference. You can find the phone number for your local FSA county office at farmers.gov/service-center-locator.
Farmers looking to mitigate the impact of risks, including low or falling commodity prices, and the effects of trade disruptions and natural disasters recognize that ARC and PLC provide the financial protections they need to weather substantial drops in crop prices or revenues as evidenced by record ARC and PLC enrollment for the 2019 crop year.
Producers signed a record 1.77 million ARC and PLC contracts for the 2019 crop year, which is more than 107 percent of the total contracts signed on average over the past five years. We anticipate 2020 enrollment to be equally noteworthy.
As of April 20, FSA records in Montana show 14,162 farms out of an expected 21,550 farms have completed ARC or PLC enrollment for the 2020 crop year. Although we are well on our way to another successful enrollment, we have many producers to assist between now and June 30.
During these unprecedented circumstances, USDA Farm Service Agency is here to support you through delivery of our farm programs while you selflessly work to feed our nation and the world.
For all you do … THANK YOU!