Checkerboard, Montana Hosts America's Smallest Labor Day Parade 

September 4, 2024

For over 30 years, the small community of Checkerboard, Mont. has held America's smallest parade as part of it's annual Labor Day weekend celebration. And this year's turnout of participants and spectators was one of the largest ever!

Warren Krone is a Mountain West Farm Bureau insurance agent in Great Falls and his family have had cabin in Checkerboard for many years. This year he was selected as the 2024 parade grand marshal.

"I believe it's the smallest parade in America," said Krone. "We started at the fire hall, circle the pumps twice, and we get a lot of support, not just from here in checkerboard, but from round up white sulfur. Martindale all around to come in here and cheer us on. And what a way to end summer and bring on fall with, a great community event in checkerboard. What a great way to just thank those who work hard and celebrate, life every day right here in Checkerboard, Mont."

Congratulations as well to all of the winners of the rubber duck races on Checkerboard Creek following this year's Labor Day parade. Lots of fun, for sure. And of course, this is just one example of people enjoying Labor Day weekend this year in Western Ag Network country.

If you're travels ever take you on U.S. Highway 12 through the beautiful Castle Mountains, be sure to take a few extra minutes and stop by for a snack or maybe a cold beverage at the Checkerboard Bar and see for yourself why this little community truly is one of Montana's best kept secrets. 

Source: Western Ag Network