Wyoming Weed and Pest Districts Offering Cash Bounty in Exchange for Invasive Weeds
CHEYENNE, WY., June 26, 2024 — – The Wyoming Weed and Pest Council (WWPC) has announced the opening of the 2024 weed bounty program. Now through July, folks can do their part to keep Wyoming wild and beautiful by pulling invasive weeds and exchanging them at their local weed and pest district office for money.
Several counties are taking part in their own weed bounty programs across the state, with various payouts per program. For example, the Johnson County Weed and Pest District (JCWP) will pay $1 for a pound of spotted knapweed, houndstongue, and mullein. Additionally, $1.25 will be paid out by the county per pound of oxeye daisy and orange hawkweed.
All plants need to be collected in bags that are supplied by local weed and pest districts. Plants collected in non-authorized bags will not be accepted. Final payments will be made in total at the end of the pulling season. An exact end date will be determined at the discretion of the local district supervisor. To find out if there is a weed bounty program in your area, go to wyoweed.org and click on the Districts tab.
“Invasive weeds like these can push out native grasses and wildflowers that livestock eat – they won’t eat the weeds,” said Johnson County Weed and Pest District Supervisor, Allen Buff. “This program allows the public to get involved, and of course get paid, to keep our wildlands healthy.”
Last year, thousands of pounds of weeds were collected from the bounty programs across Wyoming. WWPC is hoping to collect even more this season.
“It is a really great program, especially for kids,” Buff said. “Many of the bags we get are from high school students saving up for college or younger children just looking for some extra cash in the summer. On top of that, they perform a civic service and learn to identify noxious plants.”
The Johnson County Weed and Pest District (JCWP) is one of 23 districts that make up the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council. Established in 1973, the district’s mission is to implement and pursue an effective program for the control of designated weeds and pests. Their work helps ensure that noxious pests and plants do not impact the wildlife and livestock that thrives in Wyoming.
Source: Wyoming Weed and Pest Council