Wyoming State Ram Sale Results 

September 15, 2020

During the 92nd Annual Wyoming State Ram Sale, 231 head of the best ram’s from the Equality State sold. 

Ram Sale Averages

7 head of Certified Rams averaging $1250

115 head of Rambouillet Yearlings averaging $825

28 Targhee Yearlings averaging $1496.43

5 Columbia Yearlings averaging $940

23 Suffolk/Hampshire Yearlings averaging $660.87

15 Suffolk/Hampshire Lambs averaging 698.33

4 Hampshire Yearlings averaging $512.50

6 Hampshire Lambs averaging $387.50

25 Suffolk Yearlings averaging $725

3 Suffolk Lambs averaging $500

Total Gross Sales $199,950.00

Average Price/Head $865.58

Top selling rams

·       Rambouillet- lot 11 -Lance Rabel- sold for $2500 and lot 13-Forbes, Rabel & McGivney Rambouillets sold for $2500.

·       Targhee- lot 85 - 2 rams from Von Krosigk Family Targhees sold for $2400 each.

·       Certified Rambouillet lot 1 - Forbes, Rabel, McGivney sold for $2,000.

·       Suffolk/Hampshire yearling- lot 99A from Duff Land and Livestock sold for $1300.

·       Suffolk/Hampshire lamb- lot 100 from Yetter Show Sheep sold for $1400.

·       Columbia- lot 90 A&B - sold for $1000 each.

·       Suffolk yearling Lot 133B from Duff Land & Livestock sold for $1000.

·       Hampshire yearling lot 110A&B from 9 Mile Sheep Co sold for $600 each.

·       Hampshire lamb - lot 117, 122 & 124 sold from 9 Mile Sheep Co. all sold for $400 each.

·       Suffolk lambs lot 150AB from Maneotis Ranch sold for $550 each.

Source: Wyoming Wool Growers