Wyoming FFA Works to Reschedule Convention Events
April 21, 2020
The Wyoming FFA announced today its plan for rescheduling parts of its annual convention, including delivering some content online.
The FFA was forced to cancel its convention due to school and facility closures from Covid19 related health concerns. The convention was to take place April 15-18, 2020, in Cheyenne.
Beginning in May, the Wyoming FFA will deliver online award announcements and their state officers’ retiring address presentations. There will also be an online conferring of the 2020 Wyoming FFA State Degrees.
“We’re excited to announce the results of some of our awards and competitions as part of what we’re calling the ‘Wyoming FFA Online Jubilee’,” said Stacy Broda, Wyoming FFA State Advisor. “It won’t be the convention we all know and love, but we will get to celebrate some of our successes together with our virtual FFA family.”
Awards announcements will include the regional and state star awards, chapter awards and Agriscience Fair results. A complete schedule of announcements and how the public can access the presentations will be available in late April on the Wyoming FFA website.
The Wyoming FFA is still evaluating options on completing career development events, leadership development events and state officer candidate interviews.
“The Wyoming FFA Board of Directors remains hopeful we can move forward with in-person state officer candidate interviews and career development events later this summer or early fall,” explained Broda. “We are committed to providing our students with as high-quality experiences as possible.”
Broda said a great deal remains unknown about when or how gatherings on in-person restrictions will be lifted, preventing the board from making firm decisions about how to certify teams for the national FFA convention.
Other new deadlines include:
· Proficiency Award Applications are due April 27, 2020
· State Officer Candidate and Nominating Committee Applications are now due May 5, 2020
· American FFA Degree Applications are due June 10, 2020
Students are encouraged to work with their local ag teachers and FFA advisors regarding supervised agricultural experience projects and coursework.
Source: Wyoming FFA Association