U.S. March Tractor, Combine Sales Down
April 20, 2020
According to the Association of Equipment Manufacturer's monthly "Flash Report," the sale of all tractors in the U.S. in 2020, were down 16% in March compared to 2019.
For the year, a total of 41,237 tractors were sold which compares to 44,620 sold in 2019 representing an 8% decrease for the year, reports Agri Marketing magazine.
For the month of March, two-wheel drive smaller tractors (under 40 HP) were down 16% from last year, while 40 & under 100 HP were down 15%. Sales of 2-wheel drive 100+ HP were down 18%, while 4-wheel drive tractors were down 17%.
For the year, two-wheel drive smaller tractors (under 40 HP) are down 9% from last year, while 40 & under 100 HP are down 6%. Sales of 2-wheel drive 100+ HP were even, while 4-wheel drive tractors were down 7%.
Combine sales were down 12% for the month. Sales of combines for the year totaled 800 compared to 977 in 2019, a 18% decrease.
Source: Association of Equipment Manufacturers