Spring Wheat Harvest Underway

August 1, 2020

Harvest of the U.S. spring wheat crop is underway with one percent of the U.S. crop harvested.

In South Dakota about 8% has been harvested, with Minnesota and North Dakota reporting about one percent harvested. Weather for the next week looks favorable for harvest and harvest reports will become available as producers get further into harvest.

Crop condition ratings improved slightly over the last week with 70% of the U.S. spring wheat crop rated in good to excellent condition, up two percentage points from last week.

Producers continue to monitor disease pressure with tan spot, bacterial leaf streak and Fusarium headblight being the most commonly spotted diseases.

Crop condition ratings remained stable for the North Dakota durum crop this week with 65% rated in good to excellent condition. The majority (97%) of the crop has headed out and about 40% has started coloring. The earliest planted crop is reaching maturity, but harvest for most producers is at least 2-3 weeks away.

Source: USAgNet

Photo Credit: Miles Harvesting