Sign Up for Prairie Dog Control Programs
June 20, 2020
The South Dakota departments of Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) and Agriculture (SDDA) want to remind South Dakota landowners to register for assistance with prairie dog encroachment. The deadline for enrollment is Aug. 15.
The state's prairie dog control program is cooperatively operated by GFP and SDDA. GFP manages encroachment issues for prairie dogs that move from public lands to adjacent private lands while SDDA manages complaints between private landowners.
"GFP will control prairie dogs that have encroached onto private land from adjacent public land," said GFP wildlife damage program administrator, Keith Fisk. "Landowners who have encroachment problems on their property from adjacent public land must be within one mile of the public land and have at least 10 acres of actual prairie dog colonies to be eligible for assistance."
Landowners must register online at prairiedogcontrol.sd.gov to request assistance with unwanted prairie dogs before Aug. 15. If landowners have questions about the program, they can contact GFP at 605-773-5913. Once eligibility is verified in September, GFP staff or a department representative will begin control measures on the private land.
Landowners who are experiencing encroachment from adjoining private land should contact the SDDA. If the colony is encroaching from private land, a signed written complaint must be completed in one of two ways:
1. The affected landowner must sign a letter of complaint and mail it to the local county's Weed and Pest Board.
2. The landowner must submit a formal written complaint to the SDDA, as well as mail a copy to the neighboring landowner. Landowners can find the form on the SDDA's website, sdda.sd.gov, or by calling the SDDA at 605-773-3796. Notices of private land encroachment may be sent to the SDDA throughout the year.
The South Dakota Prairie Dog Management Plan is also available online at gfp.sd.gov/UserDocs/nav/prairiedog-management-plan.pdf
Source: South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks & South Dakota Department of Agriculture