Sheep Producers Meet in Colorado for ASI Convention

January 11, 2024

This year Denver, CO is hosting the 2024 American Sheep Industry Association Annual Convention. ASI President Brad Boner says the stronger lamb market lately has put some smiles back on the faces of America's sheep producers.

"We had a good rebound in 2023 and got us out of the market doldrums that we experienced in 2022 and a much needed bounce back up," said Boner. "So, it's good that that happens. You know these markets are always volatile. We live with volatility every day. But it's always good when we're on the right side of the volatility."

He says some of that volatility stems from lamb imports. That's why ASI took a real hard look last year at a possible trade case against Australia.

"So, about a five month investigation took place," said Boner. "An economic study survey of our producers about what they'd experienced over the last three years. It was a real in-depth investigation into into what imports were doing at over the last three years in the U.S."

Like other organizations, he says the farm bill is important to the U.S. sheep industry, especially since it includes the funding of the Wool Trust.

"A funding level that provides stability to us that we can count on year after year is hugely important to us," said Boner. "We were just really tickled with our ability and credit to our to our people in DC that we were able to get that across the finish line into the extension. At least we hope now this upcoming year that we can finish the farm bill and get the full five-year extension that we need and all of agriculture is waiting for."

Source: Western Ag Network