Powerful Winter Storm Helps *Some* Drought Conditions 

February 11, 2022

A powerful winter storm last week, stretching from New Mexico to Maine, helped improve drought conditions in 17 states in its path. 

As the graphic above moves from yellow to orange to red to maroon, a worsening drought picture is depicted.

On the positive side, last week’s snow brought widespread improvements to eastern Colorado including areas of severe (D2) and extreme drought (D3). 

Meanwhile, another week of dry weather in the West put a halt to drought recovery. Parts of Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Oregon saw drought expand as the recent dryness on top of long-term drought chipped away at snowpack and lowered streamflow. 

For a further breakdown, visit the U.S. Drought Monitor online.

Soruce: https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/