New American Lamb Board Chair from Kansas Says Checkoff Dollars Are Being Put To Good Use
January 16, 2024
One of the groups which met at the ASI Convention in Denver, CO was the American Lamb Board. Jeff Ebert is the new ALB chair from St. George, KS. He says there’s a lot of positive things happening for both producers and consumers because of lamb checkoff.
"We had an excellent meeting," said Ebert. "We welcomed two new board members; Cathrine Harper from CO and Steve Breeding from DE. We also met our new marketing team. We had a young lady that retired, and we've got two on staff that are going to really help us keep us out in the media and on social media with the bloggers and influencers. They went through an extensive presentation on that. We obviously not only promote lamb, but we also do a lot of research with different programs as well."
The American Lamb Board would like to invite sheep producers to some upcoming targeted grazing workshops.
"Even though these are considered targeted grazing workshops, we're really trying to expand sheep numbers," said Ebert. "In May, we're having a targeted grazing workshops in Texas and North Carolina; and then one this summer in California. We really want to encourage people if they've never been involved in sheep or if they're wanting to expand their operation to attend one of these workshops."
He says the board really does work hard to make sure lamb checkoff dollars are spent wisely for the greatest return on investment for producers.
"We're tasked by the producers and feeders to work through basically a $3 million budget for 2024," said Ebert. "Compare that to some of the other checkoffs, we have pennies in the bank, but we really work hard to keep American Lamb out in front of people. Plus, we're always open for suggestions from producers as well."
For more information about the American Lamb board and lamb checkoff funded activities, click here.
Source: Western Ag Network