2021 Montana Ram Sale and Montana Ewe Sale
July 19, 2021
The Montana Wool Growers Association would like to invite you to attend the 96th Montana Ram Sale and 8th Annual Montana Ewe Sale! Both sales will be held in Miles City, MT, at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds, on September 15 and 16, 2021. Last year the sales drew buyers from Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, and Nevada.
The fun starts on Wednesday, September 15, with educational programming during the day, ahead of the Ewe Sale. Social hour will kick off at 5pm, with the Ewe Sale starting at 6pm sharp. Montana Wool Grower Members are eligible to consign to the ewe sale up until August 1. More information on breeds and lots available can be found at mtsheep.org after that date! Doug McLean of Frontier Stockyards is again running both sales, with Auctioneers, Collin Gibbs and Kyle Shobe on the auction block. You can attend both sales in person or watch and bid online at frontierstockyards.com.
On Thursday, September 16, a lamb BBQ lunch will be served at the fairgrounds at 11 AM and is open to the public. The 96th Montana Ram Sale will start at noon sharp. Twenty-five Montana consignors will deliver nearly 300 of the best rams produced in the state to Miles City! Breeds available include: Rambouillet, Rambouillet Cross, Targhee, Suffolk, and Hampshire/Suffolk cross. Most of these rams have data available, such as: Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s), scrapie codon, production records, ribeye scans, ratios, wool micron results, and more. All the rams in the sale will be vet-checked on Tuesday of sale week, and ready to go to work. We’d like to welcome Cord Bieber of Bieber Land, LLC, of Brockway, MT, and Harold Dillard, representing Jones Ranch Rambouillet, of Conrad, MT, as new consignors!
Plan to attend the 96th Annual Montana Ram Sale and 8th Annual Montana Ewe Sale to view and bid on some of the finest rams in the nation. Updates and more details can be found at www.mtsheep.org and the Montana Wool Growers Association Facebook page throughout the summer.
The Ram and Ewe Sale catalog will be available online Sept. 2, 2021.