Montana Farmers Union President Calls Out Congress for Lack of Responsibility to American Farmers

October 1, 2024

Congress has unnecessarily left farmers in limbo as they wait for either a reauthorization or yet another extension of the Farm Bill, Montana Farmers Union President Walter Schweitzer said.

The Farm Bill was last reauthorized in 2018, with Congress extending it, and funding for its programs, in 2023 for one year after failing to meet the Sept. 30, 2023 reauthorization deadline.

Even with a year extension, Congress failed to reauthorize the Farm Bill before today, Sept. 30, which marked the extension's deadline, and Schweitzer urged members of Congress to get down to the business of supporting American farmers and ranchers and the families who depend on nutrition programs. 

“There are only a few things Congress is required to do. One is to pass a budget, and another is to pass a Farm Bill,” Montana Farmers Union President Walter Schweitzer said. “The House has been so distracted by political investigations and stunts that they have failed to do these critically important duties. Because they have failed to focus on passing a budget, they were forced to pass a continuing resolution to keep government open. They now have run out of time on the Farm Bill.”

Schweitzer said he expects inaction on the Farm Bill to continue and doesn’t anticipate a reauthorization of it before the new year.

“To keep funding in place for nutrition and farm programs, Congress will be forced to extend the Farm Bill. It is time that the House focus on their jobs and not their politics,” Schweitzer said. 

Source: Montana Farmers Union