Molson Coors Barley Crop Looking Good as Harvest Approaches
July 2, 2020
Farmers who raise barley for Molson Coors are putting the finishing touches on this year’s crop in Montana and Wyoming.
Russell Nemetz talked with Molson Coors southern Montana agronomist Mike Killen says compared to the past couple of years is in really good condition heading into this year’s harvest.
Molson Coors southern Montana agronomist Mike Killen says compared to the past couple of years is in really good condition heading into this year’s harvest.
“I think we have a great crop come and probably a little above average and certainly a different year than we've experienced the last two years” said Killen. “Of course, we had very wet springs and very wet summers for two years in a row. So, this is a little bit more of a normal year for us. The crop got planted in March, basically, and we're off to a great start.”
Like other segments of U.S. agriculture this year, the coronavirus has certainly thrown the U.S. barley industry a few challenges. But Molson Coors says they intend to bring in this year's barley crop.
“We feel really good. We contract to bring some of the barley at harvest and some stays in farm storage for winter delivery” said Killen. “We're on track to bring in exactly what we contracted to at harvest. We have the bin space today to do that. The elevator crew has been getting the elevator facilities ready to bring in that barley and that’s our plan. It has certainly been an interesting time with the coronavirus and it has changed a lot of the beer industry and beer sales. We feel good because anything going in cans right now-No matter whose product-is selling very well.”
He says if everything goes as planned, they’re looking at starting this year’s Molson Coors barley harvest in about 35 days.
“They've done a great job keeping the crop wet and healthy” said Killen. “And we're really looking forward to getting this crop harvested and in the bin.”
Molson Coors intends to harvest approximately 100,000 acres of barley in both Montana and Wyoming this year.
Source: Montana Ag Network & Western Ag Network