Coalition Condemns APR Federal Grazing Requests in New Report
October 29, 2020
The Montana Natural Resource Coalition is announcing the general release of their report “Repurposing of Federally-Reserved Taylor Grazing Districts For Wildlife Rewilding: A statutory, Administrative and Legal Analysis”. This report was prepared for MTNRC by Stillwater Technical Solutions.
MTNRC is the newly formed coalition of counties arising from a need for local governments to have a more unified voice when responding to federal agencies dealing with federal lands in their jurisdictions. This need became apparent when requests from constituents in various counties in Montana, led by the grass roots group known as “Save The Cowboy”, asked for local government to voice their concerns through the process when responding to federal agency action.
CLICK PLAY: Ross Butcher, President of MTNRC, discusses the report with Lane Nordlund.
The “Save The Cowboy” group is a spontaneous grass roots response to the threat posed by multinational environmental nonprofits targeting rural Montana in their quest to rewild large portions of five western states that comprise the Northern Great Plains with the goal to return the prairie landscapes to a native setting that existed hundreds of years ago. Ground zero in this effort, by the American Prairie Reserve, is in North central Montana and a request to convert BLM grazing leases from traditional Livestock production to indigenous animal or bison uses. The report is a reasoned response to this action as well as provides for the appropriate process that must be followed when making such requests.
The very future of agricultural production and the ability to provide the nation with safe reliable food may be at risk if the large environmental non-profits have their way with the American west. The American rancher is the envy of the world in their ability to thrive in harsh climates and difficult markets. It is imperative that the American ag producer is supported and we don’t allow the large non-profits to subvert these federal lands intended for multiple-use sustained yield principles designated to stabilize agriculture, and protect our food supply.
The full report may be found at www.savethecowboy.net
Source: Montana Natural Resource Coalition