Build Your Base Expands to Black Hills State University
November 24, 2020
As BEEF continues to power student athletes across South Dakota and the nation, The South Dakota Beef Industry Council (SDBIC) and Sanford Sports Science Institute (SSSI) are thrilled to announce that Black Hills State University (BHSU), Spearfish SD has joined the Build Your Base program. The Build Your Base program is a comprehensive sports nutrition program utilizing beef as its premier protein and was developed in partnership between SDBIC and SSSI and is in its third year at the collegiate level.
The collegiate Build Your Base program works in partnership with college and university strength and conditioning programs to fuel and educate students athletes. The program is designed to meet the needs of collegiate athletes by providing ready to use material that includes sports nutrition, performance education, and a high-quality protein, beef, to support optimal performance.
Black Hills State University is the fourth collegiate program in the state to join the partnership. "We are extremely excited to partner with the South Dakota Beef Industry Council and the Build your Base with Beef program. This will not only enhance our student athlete experience but also give us the tools to further educate them on nutrition," states Thayer Trenhaile, BHSU Assistant Athletic Director. As Western South Dakota's team, Trenhaile believes the program will help them promote the already vibrant beef industry in Western South Dakota. "Partnering with the Build your Base with Beef program will also help us serve our student athletes in starting a healthy lifestyle that will extend beyond their time at BHSU."
Both the SDBIC and SSSI are committed to empowering athletes and the communities that support them with evidence-based strategies to improve athletic performance and health. SDBIC Executive Director, Suzy Geppert explains, "We are extremely excited to expand the program and see its growth at the collegiate level. We know the vital role beef plays in the athlete's diet as well as the economic impact the industry has on our South Dakota communities. Beef is proud to continue its support of our rural communities as well as expand the beef message to these young athletes as we help prepare them for the future."
Thayne Munce, Associate Director, Sanford Sports Science Institute states, "Sanford Health is excited to welcome Black Hills State University to the Build Your Base team as we expand the collegiate program to Western South Dakota! We look forward to the opportunity this program provides to support the health, well-being and performance of Black Hills State student-athletes and are proud to partner with the South Dakota Beef Industry Council in this innovative endeavor."
The Build Your Base program will continue its expansion into 2021 as seven other states across the nation pilot the program. States piloting the program include Texas, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, New York, Montana, Kansas and Iowa.
For more information on the program visit www.buildyourbase.org.
Source: South Dakota Beef Industry Council