Brucellosis Suspect in Wyoming's Sublette County
November 11, 2022
The Wyoming State Veterinarian has been notified by the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory (WSVL) that blood from one cow has suspect results to tests for Brucellosis. Additional testing was performed at the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) in Ames, IA. The suspect cow is located in Sublette County.
Brucellosis is a bacterial disease which causes abortion in cattle, elk, and bison, and can cause serious illness in humans in the form of undulant fever. “Further diagnostic testing will be completed following necropsy of the suspect cow at the Wyoming State Diagnostic Lab,” said Dr. Hallie Hasel, Wyoming State Veterinarian. “Producer compliance with our brucellosis mitigation rules has resulted in early detection of brucellosis cases, minimizing spread of the disease.” It may take several weeks or longer to complete the diagnostic work up.
The Wyoming Livestock Board is working with USDA APHIS and the herd owner to complete a whole herd brucellosis test. An epidemiologic investigation has been initiated. For further information please contact the Wyoming Livestock Board at 307-777-7515, the Wyoming State Veterinarian, Dr. Hallie Hasel at 307-840-1389, or the Wyoming Assistant State Field Veterinarian, Dr. Teckla Webb, at 307-286-1447. Email inquiries may be directed to lsbbrucellosis-mitigation@wyo.gov.
Source: Wyoming Livestock Board